
The Festive Wreath Decoration Virtual Workshop

Every year I design a new Christmas decoration for workshops and it is one of my favourite activities. Christmas is the time when you can bring on the bling, knowing that you can never have enough. To my mind there is no such thing as an overdressed Christmas tree! I also love this design task because I know that the …

Brand new starter kit for Prumihimo

I have been meaning to put together a dedicated starter kit for my Prumihimo disk for a long time, but I just did not find the time to work through all the possibilities and decide what to include and exclude. The first lockdown this year gave me time to give it some serious thought. I wanted to put together a …

Live Virtual Workshops – the Prumihimo Way

Now that a few of my live virtual workshops have taken place I can offer more insight into how the Zoomihimo by Prumihimo classes work. The tutors of in-person workshops all develop their own style of teaching according to what works best for them and their medium. In the same way we all need to find our own way of …

Zoomihimo by Prumihimo – the first two workshops

I have decided to take a slow and steady approach to offering my virtual workshops, so that I can take advantage of the flexibility this new adventure offers. Unlike workshop programs hosted by beadshops, which have to be planned up to a year in advance, I am able to be totally flexible and react to the demand. In this first …

Zoomihimo by Prumihimo!

Lockdown has changed all of our lives in so many ways and the initial stages of the lockdown were filled for many with fear and sadness. While these emotions may persist many now feel the need to move forward and try to squeeze some positives out of this terrible situation. As we emerge carefully from the isolation of lockdown the …

Prumihimo YouTube in Lockdown

I have decided that I can wait no longer for assistance with filming and editing my YouTube videos! In lockdown we have all become accustomed to seeing reporters and presenters filming themselves in their own homes and I think most people have rather enjoyed the glimpse into private homes and feel that the reduction in production quality is a fair …

Inspiration works both ways!

One of my aims is to inspire people to develop their braiding skills and to explore the wonderful world of kumihimo. It gives me great pleasure to see people learning new skills and of course, I enjoy being able to show my work and new ideas to an appreciative audience. However, inspiration is not just one way traffic and a …

New Tutorial and Lockdown Offer

I have two things to talk about in my blog today and they have both come about for the same reason. I have noticed an increase of sales of my downloadable tutorials since the lockdown began and I gather from other designers that they are experiencing the same upturn in sales of tutorials and that the trend is growing. It …

At last a new YouTube video! Chunky Flat Braid

I am very pleased to be able to tell you that I have just uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel. This one follows on from my series of videos using the square plate and I am introducing a new braid. This braid has an interesting history. Way back in 2013 I saw a similar braid posted on Facebook. …

Prumihimo YouTube Channel – Part 4 – Top 5

Today’s blog is going to be a short one! A couple of years ago I decided to film a series of ‘Top 5’ videos, but I only got as far as filming 4 and only 3 of them were ever uploaded! I really must find the 4th one and get it uploaded onto my channel and then I would love …