I have finally put together a page of frequently asked questions for my Prumihimo disk. It has been on my ‘to do’ list for months and I have asked for and received lots of input from frequent users of my disk, but I just didn’t get round to putting it all together. I hope people will find it helpful and I hope I will get other suggestions of what could be covered. Many thanks to those who contributed. I intend this section to be added to as and when the need arises. The Prumihimo disk is still a very new product and as people explore its possibilities I imagine that new questions will pop up. Please contact me if there is something you would like to see included.
Over the next few months I plan to add to the infomation about the Prumihimo disk on this site. I have got a few more free tutorials to post, which I hope will be useful. I will post them gradually. I will also be adding to the information about kits and supplies, which have been worked on in collaboration with other kumihimo designers and suppliers. I would also like to write a few blog posts featuring different designers who have used my disk.
So much to do, so little time …!
Click here for the Frequently Asked Questions