
My gift to you – in morse code!

I wish I was a doctor or a nurse and could use my skills in the fight against the virus pandemic, but I am not, I am a jewellery designer. It has been made very clear to people like me that our duty is to stay at home to protect lives and that is what I am doing. What I …

Prumihimo YouTube Channel – Part 3

For my blog today I would like to go through the project videos for the regular round disk. In some ways a technique video and a project video is pretty similar and there is bound to be some overlap because I am merely trying to break down the huge number of videos into manageable chunks. So here we have a …

Prumihimo YouTube Channel – Part 2

Yesterday I ran through the braid structure videos currently available on the Prumihimo YouTube channel. Today I will go through the technique videos. In some ways they may seem like a rather random collection of techniques, but I have tried to respond to the most frequent questions I am asked by filming those techniques first. This means that when I …

Prumihimo YouTube Channel – Part 1

In this blog I continue to take readers through different parts of my website to let them know how many good things there are tucked away in different parts of the site. I believe that this is just what we all need to keep our minds off the worrying developments around the world. The section I want to talk about …

Pretty things to look at when you are locked down at home!

Following on from my previous blog I would like to explain further free information that can be found on my website. This part involves lots of pretty things to look at, but first a story! When you click on the Resources tab and scroll down you come finally to the Gemstone Kumihimo section, where you will find that there is …

Kumihimo to keep you busy and cheer you up

We find ourselves in deeply worrying times with the rapid spread of coronavirus around the globe, but as crafters and makers we have the advantage of being able to keep our (frequently washed) hands busy and away from our faces, while also keeping our minds off the frightening spread of the virus. Kumihimo braiding has huge theraputic value because its …

Learning new braid structures

Every January in my Facebook group I set up a poll about goals for the year. This year the top answer was to make more time for kumihimo, but there is not much I can do to help people with that! The second most popular goal was to learn new braid structures, so I have decided to write a series …

The temperatures are falling and icicles are appearing everywhere!

There are some projects that are such fun to make that you can feel yourself becoming rather addicted! The kumihimo icicles are certainly one of those projects. What makes some projects addictive, while others are less appealing to make? A quick make is always fun, but if they are repetitive they can become boring. The charm of a project like …

It is raining cats … but not dogs!

I am very pleased to be able to say that I have been able to restock my cat button bracelet kit for the third time and this time I have both the blue and the red versions available. This adorable bracelet seems to have become my signature kit, but this time I have made a few changes. Originally I designed …

Let’s twist again!

This post is all about how to achieve a twist on a Prumihimo braid, which amuses me because I usually have to explain how to flatten a Prumihimo braid! One of the members of the Kumihimo by Prumihimo and Friends facebook group posted a Prumihimo braid with a pronounced twist, which she had not expected because she is an experienced …