Kissing Dragons!

Dragon kumihimo
One of the great joys of designing jewellery is seeing what other people make with my designs. Everyone adds their own touch and the design takes on a life of its own. I am seeing this process go one step further with Jamie North’s wonderful Kissing Dragons bracelet. She has sourced some adorable dragon clasps, which not only add character to the spikey braid,  but also turn it literally on its head! The tail of the dragon becomes the head of the next dragon, as they turn to face each other and grip the clasp. Jamie has used smaller beads for the bodies, substituting the size 6 for size 8. If you decide to try this the overall length of the bracelet will be affected. With counted designs like this one, if you want a longer bracelet it is best to load on extra beads at the beginning because it can be difficult to identify which cord is which once the braiding process has started.

If you want to buy the clasps, go to Jamie’s site. I know they have been selling fast and that she will be ordering more, so if you are not successful at first, try again! There are lots of kits and components to browse through while you are there!

The ever-popular Sleeping Dragon tutorial can be found here.