Yesterday I ran through the braid structure videos currently available on the Prumihimo YouTube channel. Today I will go through the technique videos. In some ways they may seem like a rather random collection of techniques, but I have tried to respond to the most frequent questions I am asked by filming those techniques first. This means that when I am asked for help on those particular topics I can post a link to the relevant video. This ensures that everyone gets a full response. When you have been braiding for as long as I have you find that the same questions come up again and again. I think it is very important to be able to give help when requested, but it can be time consuming to write out the same advice repeatedly. These videos have saved me a lot of time and hopefully helped a lot of people.
To be taken to the video just click on the link in the name. The other link will take you to a page of additional information on this website. On these pages I post whatever I think will be useful for that particular video, so some are more informative than others. If I am asked for something else this is where I post it.
Glue Ending – This is one of my most popular videos because the ending is often what braiders fear most! I give advice about the glues I personally recommend and how to use them.
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Wire Ending – In this video I introduce the way I use wire to attach an end cap. This is a great alternative to using glue and is a really useful technique to learn. Only basic wire working tools and skills are required.
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Chips – Gemstone chips are an inexpensive way of harnessing the beauty of genuine gemstones in your kumihimo and it has long been a great favourite of mine. Following my tips and tricks will help you to get it right.
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Core Cord -This technique has made a huge difference to disk kumihimo and jewellery making and can be used in so many different ways. It is particulary useful in preventing collapse of beaded braids and avoiding squishy braids. It also opens up a whole new world of beads on more than 8 cords. Watch the video to see how easy it is.
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4 Colour Spiral – This technique is a great way to add colour and texture to a braid. Just make sure you follow the advice on which cord to start braiding with!
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Charm Beads – What is a charm bead? It is better known by a brand name, but I can’t use that here! This video makes use of those large beads with a large hole in the middle. They are sometimes known as European beads. Whatever you want to call them I am sure you can see that they are perfect for kumihimo.
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Larger Beads – Beaded kumihimo is best made with small beads, but this video shows you how to incorporate large beads of any size and shape in a kumihimo design.
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Braiding with Ribbon – Working with different materials is a great way to achieve an individual effect, so in this video I show how to use ribbon on your kumihimo disk.
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Braiding with Chenille – Chenille is a type of knitting yarn, which will bring something completely different to your braiding. Watch this video to see how.
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Wire cone Ending – If you have wire you can always make a beautiful ending for your braids. In this video I use the Wags Wicone, which is now very hard to find, but the Conetastic is a good alternative. You are also sure to find alternatives if you look around your home for cone shaped items, such as pen tops and icing nozzles.
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Toggle Fastening – Over the years I have worked out many different ways of finishing off a kumihimo braid to make it into a piece jewellery. This is one of the ones I am most proud of because all that is needed is a toggle clasp.
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Speed Braiding – This is all about the ‘to and fro’ method and it has been my most contraversial video! My videos show what I have found out to be true, but sometimes people prefer to cling to inaccurate or outdated information without checking it out for themselves. Please keep an open mind and see if this method works for you. Those who have have been delighted by the speeds they have been able to achieve and it will improve your understanding of how kumihimo works.
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Kumihimo Weight – The kumihimo weight is an important piece of equipment for braiding and in this video I show how it should be used for maximum effect and also how weights can be used to create even tension when working with very heavy beads.
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