Zoomihimo by Prumihimo
All future workshops will be offered as virtual workshops using the zoom meeting platform. Kumihimo lends itself very well to this format and virtual workshops can be extremely effective learning platforms. I have done a lot of research, both from the tutor and the student’s point of view and I have structured my virtual workshops to maximise the benefits of on-line learning. The student will be able to see good close-up demonstrations which can be repeated and expanded to suit the needs of the individual students. As a tutor I have found ways of making sure I can see the detail of the student’s work and give appropriate help and guidance. Seeing the work of other students is an important part of an in-person workshop and you will be able to do this in my virtual workshops. Some people think that a virtual workshop is just like watching a YouTube video, but that is definitely not the case in my workshops because you will be able to speak to me and other students and I will regularly check your work and guide you when required. The convenience of being able to take part from the comfort of your own home with other students in distant locations easily outweighs the disadvantages of distance learning and I can heartily recommend it!
The Zoomihimo by Prumihimo program of workshops is totally flexible and I will offer designs, dates and times as the demand suggests.
Workshop update for May/June 2021
Here is something fresh and floral for summer! The Paisley Flower Necklace is a clever combination of braiding and embellishment and I am offering it on 4 dates, but please note that it is only suitable for those who have attended a workshop with me, either by zoom or in person.

Workshop update for April
The Flower Bud Lariat is the new workshop design for April. This workshop is intermediate/advanced level, so it has only been offered to previous students. The first two dates sold out immediately, so two further dates in June are being offered. A few places remain, but they are only suitable for those who have attended a workshop with me, either on zoom or in person.

Workshop update for Beginners
I have been delighted to find that most people who attend one of my workshops come back for at least one more and quite a few people have signed up for every workshop I have offered so far. My initial aim has been to offer workshops only to intermediate braiders who have previous experience of the Prumihimo disk. In each workshop I offer some new skills, so those who come to multiple workshops will learn something new each time. However, I have had many requests for beginners’ workshops, so for March I offered the Introduction to Prumihimo workshop. My plan now is to offer all future intermediate workshops to past students only. Once students have successfully completed the introductory workshop they will be added to the mailing list for upcoming workshops.
Workshop update for February/March

Coral Garden is the name given to this delicate design offered as a workshop for February and March. This workshop was initially offered to past students and both dates sold out before it could be offered further.
Workshop update for January

Tudor Diamonds is the name I have given to the design I will be offering for workshops in January. In this workshop I will teach how to make this stunning necklace using the Prumihimo disk and a selection of beautiful Czech beads. In addition to the necklace I will teach how to make a matching bracelet and at this stage we will look at how the design can be adapted by using different placement of the beads. Initially I set up two workshop dates, which I offered first to previous students. Both workshops sold out before I could advertise it further, so I am now offering two new dates and there are currently spaces on both of them.
Tudor Diamonds Monday 11th January and Thursday 14th January
Tudor Diamonds Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st January
Workshop update for December

I have been asked many times if I will provide kits for my workshops, so this is my first trial of providing kits. Every year I design a new Christmas decoration to teach at in-person workshops, but of course this year that is not possible, so the design has been waiting patiently for its opportunity to shine! This particular design is perfect for kitting because it allows me to ensure that everyone is using the correct wire and has the perfect finding for finishing off. In addition the feature beads used are not that easy to find in Christmas colours. I try to think of everything that could be required and for this design, as size 12 beading needles are required I have even threaded the needle because I know some people have problems with that!
Festive Wreath Decoration – Monday 7th December and Thursday 10th December – sold out
Festive Wreath Decoration – Saturday 12th December and Sunday 13th December – sold out
Please note that places on these workshops are now only available to UK customers to ensure that the kit arrives in time
Workshop update for November/December

I am offering 2 dates for this brand new bracelet design. The Double Cuff bracelet features 2 braids and lots of great transferable skills. Attending one of these workshops is not only a fun and sociable experience, where you learn to make a great bracelet, but it is also a way of taking your braiding skills to a higher level and developing a greater understanding of how braids work.
Double Cuff Bracelet – Monday 16th November 2020 and Thursday 19th November – sold out
Double Cuff Bracelet – Saturday 5th December 2020 and Sunday 6th December – sold out
Important – The Prumihimo disk is used for these workshops and you need to be able to use this disk before the class. You do not need to be an expert, but you do need to be able to create even braids and to be able to braid with beads. I can advise you further if necessary. I plan to offer workshops for complete beginners in due course.
Workshop Update for October/November

Due to popular demand I have set up 2 new dates for the Super Sparkle bracelet! They are both made up of two sessions of 2 and 3 hours to allow the best use of the teaching time. One is on a weekend and the other will take place during the week. The start time for each session is designed to be suitable for a wide range of time zones across the US and Europe. It might be a little early or late in some places, but it will be worth it to be able to socialise across the oceans! Please click on the date for further details and to book a place.
I am also offering one more date for the popular Daggerella necklace. Each workshop is split over 2 sessions a few days apart, 2 hours on the first day and 3 hours on the second day, 5 hours of tuition in total. This works extremely well for this type of design because it allows the braiding to be finished off after the first session and everyone will start at the same point for the second session. On-line learning can be tiring, so the break in between sessions prevents fatigue or eye strain spoiling your experience. Please click on the date for more details and to book a place.
Please click on the dates below for more details
Super Sparkle Bracelet – Monday 26th and Thursday 29th October Sold out
Super Sparkle Bracelet – Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November – Sold out
Daggerella Necklace – Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd November Sold out
Important – The Prumihimo disk is used for these workshops and you need to be able to use this disk before the class. You do not need to be an expert, but you do need to be able to create even braids and to be able to braid with beads. I can advise you further if necessary. I plan to offer workshops for complete beginners in due course.
Previous workshops – My aim is to respond to demand, so if you see something in this list of previous workshops you would like to attend please contact me at [email protected]. I will also consider running private workshops for groups or individuals.
Baroque Necklace workshop Sat 3rd and Sun 4th October Now fully booked
Baroque Necklace workshop Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th October Now fully booked
This is the Baroque necklace which is made on the Prumihimo disk using baroque cabochons and bugle beads. The design features a very versatile button fastening, which is different to the button fastening I teach for the Daggerella necklace. In this workshop I teach how to use 2 hole beads with kumihimo and this is a very useful transferable skill, which can open up a whole new way of using beads. The bugle bead embellishment is an unusual technique I developed to enhance the cabochon beads.

Daggerella Necklace
10th and 13th August– now fully booked
Sat 5th and Sun 6th September – UK pm/US am – now fully booked
UK afternoon/US morning

Super Sparkle Bracelet
I am offering two dates for this fabulous bracelet. They are both made up of two sessions of 2 and 3 hours to allow the best use of the teaching time. One is on a weekend and the other will take place during the week. The start time for each session is designed to be suitable for a wide range of time zones across the US and Europe. It might be a little early or late in some places, but it will be worth it to be able to socialise across the oceans! Please click on the date for further details and to book a place.
Mon 14th and Thurs 17th September Fully booked
Sat 19th and Sun 20th September Fully booked

Still not sure about live virtual workshops? Check out these FAQs.
Q – Is Zoom easy to use?
A – Zoom is very easy to use and all you need is what for most people is their regular equipment. You need an iPad/tablet, laptop or smart phone. These will all have the audio and camera capabilities you need, as long as they are not broken or really old. The app can be downloaded from zoom.us and you will also find lots of assistance on this site, including the opportunity to try joining a meeting. If you find this confusing I am happy to help you by setting up a trial meeting and sending an invitation. When you click on it you will be taken through the necessary steps to download the app and if all goes well you will then see me!
Q – Will you be offering shorter workshops? I am worried that 5 hours will be too much for me.
A – Yes. The length of the workshop depends on the complexity of the design, so some workshops will be shorter and I am considering offering a ‘taster session’ if there is enough interest for it. However, working on-line can be tiring, so splitting the workshop into 2 sessions with a couple of days in between means less strain on your eyes and less likelihood of getting too tired. You would not be looking at the screen the whole time because the demonstrations will be carefully spaced through each session and you will be working on your disk in between demos. You can get up and take a break at any time and there will also be quick comfort breaks in each session.
Q – How much prior experience do I need for the Daggerella/Super Sparkle necklace workshop?
A – You need to be able to braid on the Prumihimo disk (this is different to the regular round disk). It is very quick and easy to learn and I have YouTube videos available to show you how. If you are unsure I am happy to have a quick one-to one with you to make sure you are at the right level to be able to make the most of the workshop. If you would prefer to start with a workshop aimed at complete beginners I will have some available in due course.
Q – Do I need a Prumihimo disk for the Daggerella/Super Sparkle workshop?
A – Yes you do. The regular thickness disk is best for this workshop, but it must be a Prumihimo disk and not just the regular round disk. At the moment I am not sending out disks from my website because of unreliability in the international post. However, if you contact me here or by private message I can send disks out to you. Disks can be sent as large letters so they should get to you reasonably promptly. Packages seem to be subject to more delays, so at the moment I am not sending books or kits out internationally.
Q – Why are your workshops more expensive than some others?
A – Don’t compare apples with pears!
We are now seeing virtual workshops offered by many different people over a wide range of mediums and although some may appear to be cheaper this is not necessarily the case. I have carefully worked out what I believe will work best for my style of teaching. My class size will be no more than 12 (the first two workshops will be smaller and I will build up to 12) so that I can give every student the individual attention they need and allow lots of interaction and feedback with both me and the rest of the class. With larger classes that is not really possible.
The Daggerella workshop is a full 5 hours of tuition split into 2 sessions. The sessions need not end strictly on time if people need extra help or if the conversation is flowing. After the first session I will check that everyone has been able to continue on their own and get to the right point for the next session, giving assistance if necessary. During the workshop I will be giving lots of additional information, so that students can benefit from my many years of experience.
So if you wish to make comparisons with other virtual workshops take note of class size, duration of the class, experience of the tutor, originality of the design and whether the tutor is prepared to be there for you if you need follow up help!
I know that the price may be too much for some, but I have lots of wonderful YouTube videos that are free to watch. A virtual workshop is a completely different experience and I am not embarrassed to ask a fair price for my hard work!
Q – How is this different to YouTube?
A – It is very different because it is interactive. It really is almost as good as being in the same room as the teacher and other students. I will be able to inspect your work and guide you through any problems you may have. I will also be able to repeat demonstrations or clarify as often as necessary. You will be able to see the work of other students and interact with them.

The following images show previous workshops from the last 5 years.