The cool, crisp colour combination of silver and sky blue suits the simple, classic lines in this jewellery.
The addition of a chain made from beaded links keeps this necklace light and also saves on beads.
1. Cut 8 x 60cm S-Lon.
2. Braid for 2cm in Round Braid.
3. Use size 8 silver beads and 3mm blue agate rounds and thread them onto all 8 cords in the following order,
12 silver – 4 blue – 4 silver – 4 blue – 4 silver – 4 blue – 12 silver
4. Braid in the beads and then for 2cm without beads.
5. Finish the braid with glue-in or wire-on end caps. A wire coil and a few extra beads can also be used.
6. Make a rosary link chain using links made with two silver beads on either side of a blue bead. Approximately 6-8 will be needed on each side.
These dainty earrings are perfect to make with a few leftover beads and they compliment the necklace perfectly.
1. Cut 4 x 35cm S-Lon cord.
2. Thread the following beads onto one strand,
3 blue – one silver size 8 – 3 blue – one silver size 8
3. Thread the first end of the cord through the last bead threaded on, so that the cords cross over and a beaded loop is formed.
4. Tie the other 3 cords onto the loop using the first cord and a double knot.
5. Position the cords on the disk for Round Braid and carry out 8 moves.
6. Thread 3 size 8 seed beads onto each cord and braid them in. Braid for an extra 1-2cm.
7. Finish off with a glue-in or wire-on cone or a spiral of wire, top with a couple of seed beads and a wrapped loop.
8. Attach the earring wire.